TruthXchange (Led by Dr. Peter Jones, this site offers video, audio, and written material critiquing a wide variety of modern ideologies from the perspective of orthodox Trinitarian Christian thinking. It provide material urgently needed by faithful Christian leaders today.) Worldview Academy (Get young people to attend one of these seminars in the summer... establish and defend the Christian worldview!) Theology Degree Online (A resource for locale-bound believers who see their need to study Christian doctrine in order to engage contemporary life and confront the relativistic ideas and values of modern society with theological truth. [Disclaimer: use discernment in choosing from these institutional resources, for some may fall short of fulfilling that stated ideal.]) Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry (Wealth of theological and apologetic material) Reasons to Believe (A ministry devoted to integrating science and faith and to demonstrating how the latest science affirms faith in the God of the Bible.)
ChristianityToday (Links to several online resources and Bible tools) CrossWalk (A large site of Christian resources) Camps Farthest Out (Family Camps and Retreat emphasizing prayer, healing and spirituality) The Cyber Hymnal (A place to locate words and tunes to almost all old hymns)