Messages for Memorials and Graveside Grief
As a ministerial student starting a church in a retirement village, I needed a book like this one, with short sermons for memorials and funerals, but had trouble finding one. As I neared my own retirement, I felt led to start compiling the messages I'd developed over the years. These 27 messages will hopefully help young ministers and lay speakers at memorials, funerals and graveside services. Each has an outline and a written-out manuscript of the message. The “Introduction” offers wisdom and helpful advice in conducting such meetings. Here is a list of the messages in the order they appear, giving
title, (text), and
topic sentence:
1. All Things Work Together for Good (Rom 8:28)
Christian believers have good reasons for great expectations!
2. The Reflection of Glory (1 Cor 13:12) [mental loss]
There’s so much more to see when we will see more clearly.
3. The Eternal Memorial (Rev 2:17) [graveside]
Engraved memorials remind us of heavenly memorials.
4. The Witness of Our Works (Rev 14:13)
“Watch your works!” is a departing loved one’s last message to us.
5. Death Benefits (Rom 6:20-23)
God has a life insurance policy through the death of His Son.
6. The Good Shepherd (John 10:11, 14, 27)
We long for a shepherding God and find Him in Jesus Christ.
7. Where Then Is Our Hope? (Job 17:11-16; 19:25-27)
The Christian hope in the face of death is resurrection.
8. God’s Eternal Answer (John 14:1-6)
God gives those troubled by grief an eternal answer.
9. The Light is Still Green (Josh 18:3)
You can’t prepare to stop until you’ve started.
10. One Grain of Wheat (John 12:24)
Christ is our experienced Guide through death and resurrection.
11. At Peace in the Presence of Death (Psa 23:5a)
Before God destroys death, He uses it to teach us about life.
12. Divine Hope for Human Destiny (Rom 8:22-25)
The Gospel hope is a promise of human restoration.
13. God Is Grieved about Death (1 Cor 15:26)
Grief is God’s way of helping humans say, “It ought not be so!”
14. Whether We Live or Die (Rom 14:7-8)
Our life and death are important to others, but especially to God.
15. Life in the Valley (Psa 23:4)
Jesus wants to be our Guardian and Guide through life’s shadows.
16. Old-Fashioned Concepts (Eph 4:4)
Grief can become a divine messenger of encouragement.
17. What Will I Wear in Heaven? (2 Cor 5:4)
The bodies we will have in Heaven are literally “out of this world!”
18. We Matter to God (Gen 49:33-50:1)
The human soul is one of God’s eternal investments.
19. When It’s Closing Time (John 9:4)
Life is limited, so we must choose the business of life carefully.
20. In the Mist of Life (James 4:13-17)
With God in charge of our lives, we can handle the surprises.
21. Man’s Search for Meaning (Eccl 3:11-14)
Our persistent search for meaning in life points to a divine answer.
22. Two Views of Freedom in Death (Job 3:20-22)
God’s will is best, whether it’s to leave this life or stay in it.
23. Resurrection Hope (1 Cor 15:45-49)
Resurrection is God’s decree that humanity has an eternal destiny.
24. Left Behind (Phil 1:20-24)
We’re not ready to go until we’re ready to stay.
25. How to be Sure of Eternal Life (John 7:17)
Certainty of faith comes through willingness to do God’s will.
26. A Heavenly Home (John 14:1-6) [for a little one]
Heaven is God’s answer to our deep need for an eternal home.
27. God’s Grief over Death (John 11:32-37)
God’s own tears offer us the deepest comfort in our grief.
A paperback or Kindle edition of this book is available on Amazon.